The two sizes of 11’6” and 12’6” are fast, very easy to paddle and keep balance, even if you are a first-time SUPer. The 6-inch thickness gives incredible rigidity while extra volume keeps you and your luggage up and dry. Unsurpassed stiffness and stability brought by the new double chamber construction make HYPER ideal for carrying camping gear, whilst their streamlined outline makes them perfect for high-speed cruising enabling you to paddle further and longer. The HYPER inflatable touring board is going to be all the explorers’ favorite transportation.
Size: 350 cm x 79 cm x 15cm / 381 cm x 81 cm x 15 cm
Volume: 315 L / 355 L
Weight: 9,8 kg / 11 kg
Payload : 145 kg / 160 kg